1 large eggplant, 1 orange pepper and 1 green pepper, 1 red onion, med, chopped chives, zucchini, med2 tomatoes, med, bread crumbs, vinegar (homemade flavor or balsimic), garlic cloves, (to taste. I LOVE garlic so I use about 8 cloves),1 can fat-free spaghetti sauce,onion salt, oregano, other italian spices to taste, *fat free mozzerlla (or soy cheese)
basically I slice the eggplant and place on a plate. Sprinkle with balsimic(sp?) vinegar (or homemade oregon or garlic vinegar) and micro wave for about6-7 minutes to soften. Then I coat with breadcrumbs (which I have mixed thespices in with). Place them in a large baking dish, and cover with choppedpeppers, chives, sliced zucchini, sliced tomatoes, onions and garlic cloves. Then I pour the spag. sauce over the top and sprinkle with oregano. OptionallyI sometimes use Alpine lace fat free mozz. cheese. But someone mentionedsoy-cheese? to me and maybe that would work as well. Then I bake for about 1hr. at 350 degrees.