HeartSmart Recipes


Recent TV ads made me curious about Enova Brand Oil

so I googled it and look what I found: A Review of the Research. This sure sounds like it's an improvement over other oils we use in our diets, even better than soybean and canola oil, it's two components. The difference is in the way it is processed and it could actually aid in reducing body fat when used as part of a healthy diet. The new process creates an oil different from conventional vegetable oils, which are primarily made up of triacylglycerols or triglycerides... resulting in what sounds like a great product for people with high triclycerides in their blood.

Enova has been used in Japan for several years and was recently approved by the FDA for use in the United States. I will buy some of this oil as soon as possible. I found this article, Enova Oil Found to Increase Fat Burning, Suppress Appetite; New Study Shows Benefit as Weapon in War Against Obesity explaining benefits of the product in your diet from a place called The Soy Daily... and you must visit the Enova website of course!



You must read bryn's December 30, 2004 blog entry atCELESTIAL OFFERINGS. She gives an excellent discussion of the importance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the diet. Consider cultures where fish is a primary food source. The indigenous people are usually very healthy, lean, and live long healthy lives.

Don't like fish? Like it but don't often add it to your menu? Part of our staples in the kitchen is a giant bottle of fish oil capsules. It is recommended you take them three times a day. We actually take them twice a day, because we do try to include fish in our menu at least once a week. Okay, if you burp, it tends to emit a fishy flavor on your taste buds but, what the heck. It's worth it!